From Foundry to Fine Art:
A Spectacular Transformation
A little known secret in Sonoma, CA
Cover Story for Sonoma Living Magazine.
Romancing the Earth: An Encore for Ancient Architecture
What? Sonoma's new culinary school built from mud??
Cover Story for Sonoma Living Magazine.
Moving Art Through Cyberspace
Virtual Art Gallery - an outlet for accomplished artists.
Cover story for Mendicino's Arts and Entertainment Magazine.
An Evening with Douglas Rushkoff
I entice my cyberhero to come do a speaking engagement in San Francisco.
Article and interview for Multimedia Reporter
Rosaleen, Cyberqueen
Keeping up with Great Grannies!
Article and interview for Multimedia Reporter
Art with Heart and Style
Delicious whimsy from a Broderbund children's software artist.
An artist profile written for Multimedia Reporter
Silk Spirit: David Ludwig's Silk Magic
With a paint brush for his wand, he conjures up pure silk magic.
An artist profile for Left Coast Art Magazine
Anatomy of a Virtual Mobile
The works of Tim Rose
An artist profile written for Multimedia Reporter
Webby Out-takes - San Francisco's International Webby Awards, 2000
The quirky news you didn't read about.
Promotional Marketing Piece
Used in various media to promote the 2009 Portland Creative Conference.
Marketing Flyer
Written for a business development firm.
Marketing Brochure Content
Written for a design and business branding studio.
Press Release
Press release written to promote a new book about investing.
Press Release
One of a series of press releases written for a firm promoting home-based start ups.
Press Release
A press release promoting the 2001 Portland Creative Conference.